Increase Free Space On HTC Desire Android Phones

Are you running out of free space on phones like HTC Desire and variants? It only has about 150MB of free space and after official Gingerbread 2.3.3 update the free space has decreased.

Its really frustrating seeing all those apps with 20MB+ size eating up valuable space on Android phones. Even with App2SD I had very very difficult time maintaining free space. Installing apps like Facebook, Google Plus, Google Reader would eat up all the space.

Today I used link2sd to increase free space on my Android phone and now I've more than 1GB of free space for installing apps. I've been installed so so many apps now.

link2sd can move your application apk, dex and lib files to second partition of your SD card and creates a symlink where necessary. Even when you mount your SD card in computer the apps in SD card will work as only the first partition will be mounted in computer.

  1. Root
  2. MicroSD card
  3. Clockworkmod recovery to partitoin the SD card. But you can manually partition it in your computer with software like gparted.
In case you haven't rooted your HTC Desire running Gingerbread 2.3.3 follow this guide.

Now the process:

Power on your Desire while holding down the volume down key. You'll see hboot screen. Use volume keys to navigate to Recovery. Press the power button to start Recovery. Your phone will boot into recovery.

In recovery, use volume keys to navigate to Advance. Press trackball to go inside it. Use volume keys to go to Partition SD Card and press trackball to go inside it. From there choose the size you want for second partition to hold your apps. After that choose size for swap. I chose 1GB for applications and 128MB for swap. Be aware that this will format your SD card.

The partition process will take sometime. After the process is complete reboot your phone and install link2sd .

Once installed open it. It will automatically discover your second partition and ask you the file system type. Since we used clockworkmod recovery, it formats the partition as ext3. Hence choose ext3.

After that you'll see the list of applications installed in your phone. You can link any non system app already installed. This will create free space in your main storage. Any app you install from now on will be automatically installed in the second partition of your SD card. So we have 1GB of space to install applications.

Please note that it is recommended to have better class of SD card. SD card comes in class like 2, 4,6.You can find it by looking for the number in front of the card inside the character "C". However I've only class 2 card and its working very fine for me.


  1. Does Clockworkmod recovery partitioning tool erase/format all your data on SD?

  2. Yes it formats/erase.

  3. With the exception of how to root, this should work on any android phone (1.6+)?

  4. Good question. As link2sd works with 1.6+ this should indeed work

  5. Hi, thanks for this. Unfortunately only kinda got my hopes up, but still didn't solve the issue for me.

    I'm on the HTC Desire, updated to Gingerbread.

    My problem is that the space is not taken up by the apps, but the data in system apps.

    For example, checked the Internal Storage, I only have 14MB free. I get the low memory warning all the time. I click on the All tab and then press Menu and select Sort By Size.

    At the top -
    Internet takes up 12MB
    Contacts Storage takes up 10.78 MB.
    Maps takes up 9 MB
    Youtube, etc about 5MB

    So in my situation, it is the system apps that takes up the most amount of storage, not the downloaded apps. I have only downloaded maybe 4 or 5 apps.

    I can open these apps, and Contacts Storage and Internet will have about 10 MB in Data. I can clear the data, but I will lose my contacts, bookmarks, stored internet passwords, etc, and have to do them again.

    I guess what I need is, is there a way to move the data for these system apps to the SD card?

    1. If your phone is rooted, you can transfer your system apps to your SD card as well...

  6. I received following comment from Aledrus in my email but can't find it here. Neither blogger shows it as deleted. I don't know where it go. So I'm adding it here myself with possible solution.


    Hi, thanks for this. Unfortunately only kinda got my hopes up, but still didn't solve the issue for me.

    I'm on the HTC Desire, updated to Gingerbread.

    My problem is that the space is not taken up by the apps, but the data in system apps.

    For example, checked the Internal Storage, I only have 14MB free. I get the low memory warning all the time. I click on the All tab and then press Menu and select Sort By Size.

    At the top -
    Internet takes up 12MB
    Contacts Storage takes up 10.78 MB.
    Maps takes up 9 MB
    Youtube, etc about 5MB

    So in my situation, it is the system apps that takes up the most amount of storage, not the downloaded apps. I have only downloaded maybe 4 or 5 apps.

    I can open these apps, and Contacts Storage and Internet will have about 10 MB in Data. I can clear the data, but I will lose my contacts, bookmarks, stored internet passwords, etc, and have to do them again.

    I guess what I need is, is there a way to move the data for these system apps to the SD card?


    I'd suggest you supernova ROM. It is a sense ROM without much modification except data2sd. With data2sd, the data can also be moved to SD card. I'd also like to use it but I only have Class 2 microSD card and don't have money to spend on class 6 card which is the requirement. The link for supernova rom is

  7. I agree with the above e-mail which you have received in your email. I have made a second partition in my SD card but it's not helping me for reducing my internal memory because of system apps. now want to cancel the partition of my sd card. if possible then please advice how to cancel the partition in my sd card. Need your help here.

  8. I'm not sure on Windows, but you can try going to RUN, typing "diskmgmt.msc". From there select the partitions and delete them and create a new, one big partition. You can also use software like partition editor or gparted if its available for Windows. Just be careful that you are editing the SD card's partition and not your hard disk.

  9. well.. i partitioned my sd card.. but the wont start now.. it repeatedly restarts at htc welcome screen.. sd card is also formatted.. so i have no backups.. any suggestions..??

  10. Is link2sd already installed?

  11. no... i could not install link2sd. the phone couldnt start after partitioning..

  12. That's strange then. Can you try once removing the SD card.

  13. i tried that too... same problem.. it couldnt start.. partitioning deleted the backup too.. so i have nothing left on the sd card..

  14. A phone should run without SD card. You must had tweaked something before doing this and is causing problem now. If I were you I'd try to reboot by pulling the battery out and if same problem flash stock ROM back.

  15. well.. i removed the partitioning using the recovery menu.. then reset to factory settings.. then reboot.. the phone started however i lost the rooting.. will try again.. :) thanks for your support.. will get back to you..

  16. Is there any way you can do this without rooting? This is really frustrating me but I'd like to avoid rooting :s
    Is unlocking (S-Off) the bootloader (with the official tool from HTC) sufficient?

    1. What is your objective?

    2. I would like to extend my internal memory (by creating and using a partition on my oversised SD-card)...
      I'm constantly low on memory since I only have 150MB, I'd like to have more than that to work with...
      But I'd like to avoid rooting if possible...

    3. You can't do that without root.

    4. Nicely written article. Thanks for it. Want to know a bit more on this. I have read the other article on temp root. Please let me know whether the following will work.
      1. Create additional partition in SD card with swap space using gparted.
      2. Temp root the phone
      3. Install link2sd and use that to move apps to the new partition created

    5. Hmm, I haven't tried that. Maybe temp root it create mounting script and temp root it at boot will work.

    6. Could you please explain me what a mounting script is and how to keep temp root alive at boot?

    7. If you can keep temp root at boot then its like perm root. So it won't be temp root anymore. Just curious, whats harm with perm root?

    8. Ok, I hope, I didn't put it clear. You said 'temp root it at boot'. In your other article about enabling market for a different geographical region, it is said that 'there is an option to temp root on reboot automatically. My question is based on these. And on doing perm root I do not want to risk my warranty.

    9. Oh! that option is, when the phone boots up completely the app "market enabler" will run and change the setting automatically so you don't have to manually run it after each reboot.

      Here, the phone should be able to perform the mount script task while its booting up.

      If you have perm root you can restore it to its original settings for claiming warranty or related purpose. The mount script will modify files in system level, so much for warranty.

  17. That's news to me, that I can restore back to original factory settings to claim warranty. Is that a simple procedure?

    1. Yes, just flash the custom ROM.

    2. Sorry. I am not getting it. I will go ahead and root my phone so that I can use link2sd to extend my internal storage to my SD card. But I don't want to move to a different ROM. I would like to use the HTC's built-in ROM. In that case, if I have to just switch back to un-rooted mode, how should I do it.

  18. Sorry I meant to say stock ROM.

    You can use link2sd with stock ROM. That means everything will stay just like it is now except you'll have increase space.

    You only have to root you phone and install one app, nothing more, no changing or ROM.

    When you want the original state of the phone just restore the nandroid backup you made while rooting or flash stock ROM that you can easily download from Internet. Also you might want to flash the stock recovery image as well.

    1. Thanks a lot for the explanations. Now I am rooted. But I hit into a problem. My CWM recovery does not have Partition SD option under advanced. So I resorted to partitioning it with my Windows m/c. Backed up the SD card (a 16GB class 6) and partitioned using MiniTool Partition wizard. Formatted both the partitions as FAT32 as per the suggestion by link2SD (no swap as per an XDA thread). Did all these using a SD card adapter. But when I plugged the card into the phone, it did not recognize the SD card at all.

      Again plugged in the card into the PC using the adapter. Minitool Partition wizard did not even show me the second partition. Windows said the primary partition is not formatted. So formatted that again and loaded my files. But the second partition was nowhere to be found and hence the 2 GB is missing in my SD card now.

      After this format the phone recognized my SD card. But link2SD is still not able to see the second 2GB partition. Later used Easus partition manager on Win7, which was able to see the second partition and reported that as unallocated. But when tried to create a partition on that and format it, everything goes well till the end. After it says the formatting is complete, refreshes the view which shows me that the 2GB is still unallocated. Tried to include a Linux Swap partition, still the same result. Tried both FAT32 and ext2. That 2GB is still showing as unallocated, though I can see that the formatting happens.

      I rooted my phone just for increasing/extending my internal storage and nothing other than that. Please help.

    2. Can you once try partitioning from gparted?

    3. Thanks a lot Techs Palace for the continued support. I have done this using GParted and Link2SD is now able to move apps to the additional partition and link. This is a much easier guide than any other I have seen. I have been suggesting this to my friends compared to others in various forums. Thanks once again.

  19. comment from the top of the post. "So we have 1GB of space to install applications." that is not true.
    Link2SD only move a part of the application.
    The only real solution I have figured is to change the phone :(

    1. Yes you are right. Link2SD only moves apk, lib and dex files of the application living data in your internal memory.

      Apart from changing the phone, you can try data2sd which moves everything to SD card.

    2. how do i do it with data2sd bro can u explain fully as m a newbie i have a HTC DESIRE A8181 n i m having 10 mb space i have only installed 4 apps. i hv rooted the phone n m running supernova with sense 2.1... how can i increase internal storage ...????? please reply soon

    3. and i hv clockworkmod recovery but it doesnt have option saying partition SD card or anything like dat.. :/

    4. You chose the correct ROM for unlimited internal storage.Please follow this installation instruction to solve your problem.

      Regarding missing option in recovery, are you sure you checked all the menus, specially tools and advance?

      Alternatively you can partition your SD card using other partition editor from your computer. GPated is preferred.

    5. yup i tried with Gparted and it worked buddy... but i got another problem... i tried it on my spare SD card 2GB n wen i succeeded i did it with my 8GB one... but wen i put my 8GB card its not showing Link2sd in my main menu list... can i find it somewhere else...? my available space is increased in Settings storage section.... got any sol for tht?? i tried to install again with GOOGLE PLAY but its showing already installed on ur phone... :/

    6. Can you try doing it again? Does link2sd gives any message while opening up something like 'can't find second partitoin'. Also what does storage info in link2sd shows? storage info is in menu.

    7. brother i have tried everything and i m keeping the second partition as ext4 in Gparted as my recovery doesnt have that option to partition... and the error is

      mount script cannot be created : line 5:/system/etc/ Cannot allocate memory

      my card is class 4 8 gb and in storage info it saysSD card 2nd part not mounted....

      please help me soon bro..

    8. Can you check if you have already got S-OFF or not?

    9. No it is showing S-ON buddy... :( how do i solve this proby???

    10. hey buddy i tried to s-off my phone using AlphaRev 1.8 and revolutionary but both of them failed :( i m really frustrated can i do s-off now when my phone is rooted already?????

    11. First of all sorry for the late reply. I don't have Internet at home and can only reply after I reach office.

      To get S-Off please follow my other guide at

    12. right now i hv to go to collage brother when i will come in evening i'll try it.... and thnks for replying u r really helping :)

    13. this is the error bro..... :( same error as last night :(

    14. I'm confused. You're already using SuperNova ROM. It comes with unlimited storage. You don't need to do any of this.

    15. hey bro it worked i flashed again with supernova and data2sd now m having my space :) thnx a lot u r really helping :) can u add me on facebokk or anywhere?????? :/ juz asking

    16. Great :D.

      Sure enough, I'm available at g+

  20. Thanks, I try it. Even the data2SD doesn’t move everything. I must forget the Sense and try Cyanogen. :-)

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  25. I had rooted my phone using ur method. i used lindsd to format my sd card. then i went ahead and moved few apps to sd .i think i trieed moving my app to user system app on sd. now my phone is not wrking at all. it just starts on the htc screen and just keeps doing it . pls pls help.

    1. Restore the nandroid backup.

    2. i have tried doing that from the boot loader screen, but still no luck.any other way my friend.

    3. Any suggestions? i m really stuck now. does that mean my phone is no good now?

    4. Don't worry. Try downloading rom from shipped rooms .com or other site and flash from recovery.

    5. to do this i have to connect my desire with pc. i have htc sync installed . do i uninstall it and then leave the drivers on it to flash the new recovery. sorry i m
      really new to this so i m askin all this noob questons

    6. when i download RUU from shipped roms how do i get my phone to speak to the computer to flash it to phone. coz at the moment i am not sure if the usb debugging is on. how do the pc and the phone communicate

    7. You have to keep the file in SD card. For simplicity you can use other phone or SD reader in computer.

      I'm sorry. I'm at village with limited Internet access and not being able to help you in more detail.

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  28. The blog was absolutely fantastic! Lot of great information which can be helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog,looking forward for more contents…Great job, keep it up..

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